Primobolan Special Edition Non GMP 100mg 10ml

Primobolan Special Edition Non GMP 100mg 10ml
  • Primobolan Special Edition Non GMP 100mg 10ml

  • $89
- +

Item: Primobolan
Packaging: 10ml Vial 100mg/ml 
Manufacturer: Special Edition Non GMP Line with GMT based carrier oil
Active Ingredients: Methenolone Enanthate
Typical Dosage: 300mg-800mg per week
Water Retention: Low
Acne: Very rare
Liver Toxicity: Low
Aromatization: Low
Increased Heart Rate: No
Strength Gain: Medium-High
Weight Gain: Medium
Gain Retention: Medium
Active Half-life: 10-14 days
Detection Time: 15 weeks

Product Highlights: 

Non GMP Lab Produced

  • Primobolan is a clean steroid with clean bulking properties without aromatization. This means no water retention.
  • This steroid is extremely popular.
  • Real Primo is hard to find.

Cycle Ideas:
As a part of a mass gaining cycle, Primo combines with Anabol, Testosterone, Masteron, Nandrolone, or Boldenone.

As part of a lean mass cycle, Primo combines very well with Testosterone, Winstrol or with Anavar capsules.

More Info:
Methenolone Enanthate is a moderate anabolic but very low androgenic steroid that is incredibly versatile. It is often stacked with other (typically stronger) steroids in order to obtain a faster and more enhanced effect. Primo is suitable during both cutting cycles and bulk cycles; in both cases it will be responsible for the faster recovery and growth of lean and dense muscle mass.

Methenolone was commonly used to promote weight gain in infants, weighing less than normal, without any side effects. Methenolone is an anabolic steroid, modification of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with weak androgenic activity and a moderate anabolic effect.

A notable trait of methenolone is that it can firmly bind to androgen receptors, stronger than testosterone. This trait makes primobolan to be a good fat burner.

Primobolan does not convert into estradiol; thereby you can take it without the risk of developing estrogenic side effects (gynecomastia, water retention).

Methenolone is one of most safe steroids on the market - women, and older athletes often find Primo the best to improve their physique and avoid side effects.

Results of primobolan will be seen on cycles at least 10 weeks and in stack with other steroids. Primobolan is well suited for cutting cycles when a mass gain is not the main goal.


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